
Dataset of CSI samples including entry/exit human walking movement

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WiDMove is a proposal to detects when a human enter or exit some place using off-the-shelf 802.11n devices as sensors. This project contains all resources needed to reply WiDMove paper, the datasets are available for all community.

WiDMove uses Atheros 802.11 NICs with the Xie et al. extractor tool. We also used the CSI Monitor tool to collects and analyse the CSI measurements in real-time. If you feel interested in more details, you can read our full paper.

If you have any question please contact brunodasilva@inf.ufg.br or create an issue in CSI Monitor tool repository.

Files description

  • dataset_features_cwt.mat: Includes features of none, entry and exit traces extracted with CWT spectrogram.
  • dataset_features_stft.mat: Includes features of none, entry and exit traces extracted with STFT spectrogram.
  • dataset_intervals.mat: Includes datasets metadatas, as name of csi pure trace file and the interval in the pure trace thats the events are extracted (1=out, 2=entry, 3=none).
  • gait_tests_< personID >_dataset.mat: Includes CSI pure samples collected from some person, each variable in that file is one trace collected from the person. Each trace includes an exit and entry event respectively. You can find the interval of this events in the dataset_intervals.m file.

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Inline text

B. S. da Silva, G. T. Laureano, A. S. Abdallah and K. V. Cardoso, "WiDMove: Sensing Movement Direction Using IEEE 802.11n Interfaces," 2018 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering (CCECE), Quebec City, QC, 2018, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/CCECE.2018.8447627


@INPROCEEDINGS{dasilva2018widmove,     title={WiDMove: Sensing Movement Direction Using IEEE 802.11n Interfaces},     author={B. S. da Silva and G. T. Laureano and A. S. Abdallah and K. V. Cardoso},     booktitle={2018 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical Computer Engineering (CCECE)},     year={2018},     pages={1-4},     doi={10.1109/CCECE.2018.8447627},     ISSN={2576-7046},     month={May} }

Our Team

Bruno S. da Silva

Universidade Federal de Goiás Brazil

Gustavo T. Laureano

Universidade Federal de Goiás Brazil

Abdallah. Abdallah

Penn State University EUA

Kleber V. Cardoso

Universidade Federal de Goiás Brazil